“It doesn’t matter what our genitals look like” says Trans Rights BC. A cursory glance at the information contained on the website claiming to educate the public about trans rights leaves one quite puzzled. “The right to use bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond with our gender identity … If our gender identity is not binary (male or female), we can choose the change rooms, bathrooms, classes, and pronouns that are safest for us … The right to have our trans status treated with the same degree of privacy as medical information”
So, basically trans rights = the entitlement to violate everyone’s neurophysiological + physical boundaries because of a fickle feeling one has about one’s own reproductive class? This implies all a person needs to do to gain social control over the entire group is become trans1 - then suddenly human rights has bestowed upon anyone who reports feeling uncomfortable with their reproductive class the right to violate boundaries and demand the dismantling of pre-existing safeguards.
So, with respect to students in a classroom setting, my question is this - is trans a medical issue or a social/peer issue? If it’s a medical condition then why are teachers diagnosing and treating a medical condition and why are they doing it in secret from parents - surely this is beyond their scope of practise to diagnose medical conditions in kids they teach and then prescribe treatment to them? Surely making secret deals with kids about their profound health care decisions does not fall within the role of any education professional?
In the case of Amber Lavigne’s 13 year old child, school social worker Samuel Roy took it upon himself to provide a body modification device to treat a medical condition which he, apparently backed up by his colleagues, decided to diagnose on the apparent self-declaration of the child that she is the opposite sex. Amber removed her child from the school system because the school division officials told her that the abuse her daughter received2 by and the overstepping parental authority of the school staff did not violate any policies and in fact happened because of the policy in place regarding SOGI.
Shortly after pulling her kid from school and making the decision to homeschool, CFS officials report that they have received complaints that she emotionally abused her kid. Oh how coincidental is this? I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that a school or school division official made that anonymous complaint out of spite. I encourage readers to follow the button link above and check out the court filed document yourselves to read the specifics of the points Amber stipulates in her case against the social workers and school officials. Giving a minor child a breast binding device seems to go beyond the information gathering of a counselling session.
How can a parent provide a safe and attentive and healthy environment and care plan for their child when the school chooses to keep vital information from them? I would think a 13 year girls deciding she is a boy would seem like a pretty crucial thing to tell a parents, IDK. What’s going on here? How can Amber or any parent of a teenaged girl feel safe in parenting? How does a parent provide safety for their child when do not have it themselves from the wider community and society? When did the teaching profession and the state decide they would become the enemy of parents rather that their supporting cast?
The deck is stacked against parents. How can society possibly survive when parents are losing the power to parent in the way their culture and attachment context and values dictates works best for them and their kid? Do you not see the connection between the rise in psychological and emotional disturbance in the population and the culture of eroding attachment?What if most of our acting out and challenging behaviour as adults originates from attachment wounds? What if we could fix that by going back to supporting parents to support and provide for and love their children? What if we committed to doing that now? What’s stopping us doing that? What’s stopping us creating an alternative to SOGI + CRT + DEI + the rest of the dogmatic ideas promoted by the gestapo of tolerance?
Raising a child to affirm their reproductive class, ie biological sex is not emotionally abusive, children do not know best, and they cannot lead their own upbringing or education. Anyone who believes or thinks this lives a dangerous false reality.
Why are parents fighting the SOGI capture of public education?
Firstly, humans instinctively bristle at any ideology which demands that they deny their neuroceptions - we are hardwired to recognise the opposite sex, it’s an evolutionary response we engage. In particular female people have evolved to engage in threat detection that involves surveying the human terrain for the opposite sex. Yes we are social creatures with nervous system we are not some dualistic compartmentalised muppets.
Secondly, parents bristle when they encounter non parents who feel entitled to dictate to them what’s best for their kids. Remember, parents are always the expert on their kids. No exceptions. Parents know best. So, we have a profession which has descended into a cultish mob telling kids they are in the wrong body, giving young female adolescents torture devices to bind their breasts — all in secret from parents. Pray tell, how does this body modification and self-loathing cult prepare kids for adulthood? It seems to me you actually need to allow kids to reach adulthood if you are going to prepare them for it. Right now the education profession has become Peter Pan and The Lost Boys. No one grows up - forever locked in prepubescence.
I have to ask out loud who is affirmed by forcing children to lock themselves inside their pre-pubescent bodies? Not the kids and not their parents and not their siblings and not society. Abusers + cultists are affirmed, that’s about it.
Thirdly, family is the basic unit of society - all primal and life-giving attachments flow from the family unit. Parent-child connection happens in reciprocity - that means parents receive safety cues from their child. SOGI has completely ruptured that and this is what parents neurocept and perceive very intensely and they react as they would to a threat state. SOGI removes the safety cues for the parents and kids. SOGI orients children away from themselves and their parents. SOGI culture in public education has created a chronic threat state and competing attachments — triggering instinctual parental responses and then gaslighting those parents for responding naturally to a threat state injected into their family by the school.
We live in a current culture of education that has no respect for and does not value natural human development. We have activists with story of origin baggage projecting their narratives onto the children of others. We have activists in curriculum development with zero knowledge or understanding of child development and learning. We have educators teaching children to hate their bodies, to feel fearful of the supporting adults in their lives and to believe they are not loved conditionally by their parents. Clipping their wings, limiting their capacity to tolerate the big messy emotions of growing up, denying families the opportunity to grow into their child’s own identity seeking and to redirect it when it’s the result of maladaptive response. Denying them the angst of adolescence and growing pains - which themselves are portals to adulthood.
Imagine if we decided it was too painful and disgusting to give birth and we were just going to eliminate that process from human life. Puberty is a kind of giving birth to oneself. Who are any of us to deny this to any child because s/he had a provocative thought?
So why are parents fighting SOGI?
Because it orients their children away from them and into an dangerous world populated by characters with suboptimal + downright evil intentions.
Because it ruptures the parent-child bond in a fundamental way, it disrupts the exchange of neurocepted safety cues that flows both ways between parent and child.
Because it manipulates a fundamental concept - safety - against humans.
Because teachers and other education professionals forgot they they serve the family, not their own idea of what families should be - because teachers and other education professionals have come between parents and their kids.
The town of Hamelin grieved for a hundred years after their children were led away unwittingly. The story became legend worldwide because of its profound nature - children from a village went missing forever, never to return to their parents. Children are the heart of their families, when you target and harm them you harm the entire family unit and the community and wider society often feel it. Children represent species survival and hope for their future. When you sterilize them and teach them their natural attachments and defenses and growth processes are bad + wrong + hateful + abusive then what have you done?
SOGI belongs to a larger cultural movement called Peer Orientation that propels humans toward horizontal attachment formation and away from vertical attachment formation. Peer oriented humans have an inherent restlessness, they over-attach to futile outcomes, they have a diminished vagal tone, meaning diminished nervous system ability to down-regulate threat responses. Peer attachments lack the unconditional regard + inherent structure that vertical attachments can provide. Peer attachment is not the viable developmentally sound remedy to parent-child attachment voids and ruptures. Nothing replaces primal parental attachment.
To truly affirm children the education profession + system must affirm the family unit. That means, in our education system + cultural institutions, honouring neuroception, attachment + connection science, as well as spiritual literacy, which is developing a language and praxis to have a relationship with oneself within the context of One Nervous System (ie as opposed to the mind-body dualism conception of human behaviour).
trans = the social contagion phenomenon of feeling innately uncomfortable with one’s own reproductive class and demanding that society validate their desire to be and also their fixed distortion that they are the opposite sex.
Yes it is child abuse to give a device to a child which will harm her physical growth and ability to oxygenate herself in later life. Not sure why this is not patently obvious. If the child identified as having small feet would we bind her feet too? Oh wait that would be noticed by parents. 😒 Point being, you do not affirm a feeling by modifying the body in a way that causes physical and physiologic damage - this is silly to think we could or should.